Vanity Fair which profiles Noel, his wife, Monica, and their five daughters, Corina, Alix, Marisa, Lisina and Ariane reports that after Walter and his wife, Monica, bought a $10 million house in Southampton in 2001, they were blackballed at the Shinnecock Hills Golf Club and the Southampton Bathing Corp. (known as the beach club). Its not like this is a happy, open place for everybody, he says. But the selection of those members isnt as simple as skimming off the top layer of the economic hierarchy. Day, one of the founding fathers, it allowed the work to begin. Right now, though, shes clearly not pleased to see me. I dont view myself as a second-class citizen at Charles River, she tells me, and she is happy to let the men unwind in their grill after golf. Even Nashawtuc, a relatively progressive and open club that integrated its aprs-golf grill more than 20 years ago and extended voting rights to spouses, still bars women from teeing off on Saturdays before 10 a.m. (Tuesdays before 11 a.m. are reserved for women only.) Author: Shes at the helm of a gleaming BMW convertible, the canvas top up, perhaps to preserve the shape of her neat white bob. 2.Wee Burn Country Club - Connecticut - Best In State Golf Course. Its fun! Hayes says. Wee Burn Country Club, founded in 1896, is among America's oldest private country clubs and is a founding member of the Connecticut State Golf Association. Vero Beach - Robert Gibson Bowman (Bob) was born on May 28, 1921 in Bronxville, NY and died on April . Begun with only a few holes in a field on the south side of the Boston Post Road (Route 1) in the Noroton Heights section of Darien, Wee Burn (the Scottish expression for a small stream) got its name from Andrew Carnegie, the steel magnate and philanthropist who maintained a summer home in Darien in the 1890's and suggested it to John Crimmins, also a summer resident and perhaps the key figure in the club's founding. Woodway also . The source adds that the Noels lit up their house like a Vegas casino, which shocked some of their neighbors. A Noel rep responded: This sounds like mean-spirited and petty gossip.. Next. This kind of thinking may not represent the majority these days, but its among the main reasons that clubs remain as strong as ever. Walt? Sounds like a nice balance. I dont have a girlfriend and I dont have children, he says, so I can suck a lot of this stuff up.. The Club's practice facilities include two practice ranges, two chipping greens, and the main putting green. But maybe thats your thing. Frustrated, Leungs tipster sent her another note. The elegance of the Main Club, with its Addison Mizner exterior and a recently renovated interior, offers incredible vistas over one of the Premier Golf Course in the Northeast. Youve got a good memory, Doc! the winner says with a chuckle. By being made to wait, the states first couple found themselves put in their place. Im not surprised that clubs still have these policies on the books, says Micki Meggison, president of the New England Womens Golf Association. 3 Images. is that the very popular Men's Member Member has been expanded to accommodate a maximum of 96 teams. Advocating on your own behalf or bringing any attention to your potential membership is seen as gauche, even desperate, and a sure sign that you dont belong. They keep out Jews! A tunnel of trees shades the driveway. The Club's facilities include a magnificent Mediterranean-styled clubhouse, a championship golf course designed by noted . A former member of the clubs waitstaff suggested I enter through the service door. Additionally NO One I know whom belongs to a club , uses it as a stay-cation and doesnt disappear for a few weeks over the summer when you get down to it .a CC membership in the NE where the legitimate season is around 6 months is more about the social aspect then golf. Perhaps most important, thirtysomethings continue to apply and want in. The change was a slight but necessary correction to align with the times. Sign in to Review.| Write Review Location and Contact 410 Hollow Tree Ridge Road, Darien, CT, 06820 ''He was introduced to me after he won the tournament,'' Mr. deGarmo said. To find a club that costs $20,000-30,000 to join is still going to carry about a $7500 annual fee. Our corporations, colleges, and cultural institutions, particularly in progressive Massachusetts, have cast their vote in favor of inclusiveness and diversitynot exactly country clubs traditional strong suit. But now I hear at Hudson and Glen Arbor there is a long queue of members looking to get out, but nobody willing to buy in. Yawner. Lush greens, Men Only signs, and the best friends membership can buy. View Tammy Carney's business profile as Director, Communications & Membership Coordinator at Wee Burn Country Club. Cigar smoke! The Club has two Sous Chefs, an Executive Sous Chef and Sous Chef, a lead Pastry Cook and Banquet support. Actually, the kids at the club mostly attend different schools than my kids so its nice for them to mix with others We do travel a bit, but its such a hassle and waste of jet fuel. I also hear they tend to reciprocate some member benefits at the country clubs in town, so you can enjoy the clubhouse on the water, but get in a golf game here and there. But they were also intransigent: They would not invite me to Brookline. (''Hartford Miss Makes Fine Showing in Tourney'' is the headline on a 1926 account of her doings.) The club offers seasonal clinics and camps, with private and group lessons for members available. Join The Social Golfer and then Write your review. The word is loaded on the grounds of a country club. (203) 531-7300. About Membership Map & Directions Course Tour Contact Us Employment Member Login Menu The Club Club History Golf Scorecard Amenities Tennis Paddle Tennis Pool . The annual club dues are what it what it would cost to take your family to a nice resort for a long weekend. January 29, 2014 at 2:18 pm . Wee Burn Country Club is a Private and prestigious Club located in Darien, CT with a Private Beach Club located in Rowayton CT. (10/11/22): Well Water Acknowledgement Form For Buyers and Tenants, NEW! Reviews from Wee Burn Country Club employees about Wee Burn Country Club culture, salaries, benefits, work-life balance, management, job security, and more. I promised myself Id push aside those biases. But not Wee Burn (meaning small stream), where ostentation is considered gauche, if indeed not downright tasteless and boorish. To experience the real luxury of a country club, though, you need to see it in action, from the inside. Championships, and Stewart Maiden, a Scot from Carnoustie who was the head pro in 1908 before leaving for Atlanta where he became the mentor of the great Bobby Jones. Powered by . The capital required to get in is socialnebulous, unquantifiable, and impossible to acquire, which is exactly the point. Lowest rating: 1. Wee Burn is $120,000. Pros. Visit our events calendar to see upcoming social events, fundraisers and more. '', Both Mr. Benham and Mr. deGarmo laugh when asked about Wee Burn's longstanding Gatsby image. Brae Burn is a member-owned club formed in 1964 by a group of friends from neighboring clubs. Leung published a third column, embarrassing the club once more but producing little, if any, lasting effect. (10/11/22): Well Water DPH Educational Materials, Withhold From MLS Certification Form (In-House/Pocket Listing), MANDATORY Residential Foundation Condition Report (effective Oct 1, 2019), (New 10/1/21) Residential Property Condition Report, Certification Form to Withhold/Withdraw from MLS, Dual Agency Designated Agency Disclosure Notice, NAR Video/Audio Surveillance Best Practices, CREXi Commercial Properties Search/Add Listings. The club follows a strict dress code and no cell phone policy inside the club's premises, except in an enclosed vehicle and some designated areas far from the clubhouse and other facilities. All paid applications to the Woburn Country Club entitle the applicant to play golf subject to the following terms: * 1 - All applications are subject to the approval of the Woburn Golf & Ski Authority * 2. Darien, CT 06820 Phone: (203) 655-7686 As I take in the scene, I cant help but notice that I do not, in fact, seem to be inside a mens locker room. Depends on the club. Its late morning on the first clear day of the sunny season. Today, it would be a disgrace not to have some degree of diversity in the membershipand nearly all Boston-area clubs do. vue 3 + typescript-eslint, prettier | 973180747 | 629749202 | Oficina C/Sucrera n56 - 25670, Trmens (Lleida) | egoism and altruism essay Tom and Gisele also tried to gain membership to Brooklineas those in the know call it. The most dramatic change at Wee Burn may have been in the initiation fee and the annual dues. a bit more info/analysis (starts middle of page or thereabouts): At a wedding recently, a 31-year-old Boston corporate lawyer told me, unironically, Im a country-club man, even though he is not, in fact, a member of one. Every table is occupied by gents in pastel golf shirts. Prowling around the grounds is one thing. Im retired. I meet him on a perfect summer day in the clubhouses cool, dark lobby before he treats me to a leisurely afternoon of country-club relaxation. Add Benefits. Behind a thick wood bar, two young men in black slacks, crisp white shirts, and tailored vests are waiting to serve. The Country Club of Darien can be found along the Long Island Sound shoreline town of Darien, Connecticut, about 45 miles north of New York City. According to the New York Times, a real estate broker lost clients, while her husband, an insurance agent, saw part of his business dry up. ''There's a certain boldness among some of the Yuppie types that didn't exist when I joined. [PDF] HEAD RACQUETS PROFESSIONAL PROFILE: WEE BURN , 4.Private Clubs Darien Board of Realtors, 6.wee burn country club initiation fee Bee Haskins, 7.Country Clubs in Darien? They accused Haverhill of prohibiting women from playing golf on weekend mornings (prime time for serious golfers) and barring women from certain parts of the clubhouse, such as a card room and a grill. Darien, CT 06820 Phone: (203) 655-7686 Contact Us 2023 Noroton Yacht Club. Occasionally the digitization process introduces transcription errors or other problems; we are continuing to work to improve these archived versions. Wee Burn Country Club is the oldest golf club in Connecticut and among the oldest in the U.S. Woodway Country Club straddles the border of Darien and Stamford and was founded in 1916 by one-time members of Wee Burn. Buy a house in Belle Have, you are in the club. Company number 07304225. Dont pooh pooh Bloombergs clubability. Find contact's direct phone number, email address, work history, and more. Nice staff that works hard. The Boca Pointe Country Club in Boca Raton, Fla., is offering one-month trial . The Country Club of Darien was formed in 1957 and is located on land once used as a vacation retreat by the Auchincloss family. Croquet is no longer played at either club and polo had only a short run at the original Hartford Golf Club site on Asylum and Farmington avenues in Hartford. Wee Burn, for example, has been the site of three U.S. Women's Amateur championships, along with two Connecticut Opens. This is the Wee Burn Country Club company profile. Outrage over country clubs flares up in the outside world from time to time, which can be a headache, but little more. After a year, in July of 1957, the first nine holes of the golf course opened for play, with Catherine Auchincloss teeing off the first ball. The lower end clubs are $ 80k , Greenwich and Stanwich are closer to $ 120k. The Highland Course. I quit the RYC years ago but Gideon can get us in well wear matching hula shirts. WEE BURN COUNTRY CLUB AND COMMUNITY Founded in 1896, Wee Burn Country Club is among the oldest private country clubs in Connecticut and a founding member of the Connecticut State Golf Association. Some of them are choosier than others with whom theyll share reciprocal dining privileges. They want to be exclusive and hidden and not publicized. You are not supposed to ask questions. ''We don't take outside outings to supplement our income,'' Mr. McVey, the club manager, said. Annual dues are around $12K a year. None of this, of course, was new. There are two clubs for boating and sailing enthusiasts. Seated on a patio overlooking the course, Mr. deGarmo and another longtime member, Jim Benham, recalled with amusement how Wee Burn was included in a list of the country's 10 ''stuffiest'' golf clubs a few years ago by a national golf magazine. Every tribe with access to capital had its home. For example, a. Closer still, I realize he is not a man at all, but a plywood, human-shaped cutout dressed in a natty suita scarecrow for plebeians. Then came the imitatorsbuilt by those who hadnt made the first cut. Wee Burn Country Club is a Please contact the clubhouse For membership rates & information Course Info Wee Burn Country Club Not enough ratings. My first day at the club, and Ive already managed to violate some unspoken rule, to transgress against decorum. is a Registered trademark of The Social Golfer Limited. Within certain bounds of decency and good taste, a country club can be anything members want it to be. Course Description. When it comes to the matter of whos in and whos out, something on the order of one half of one percent of Greater Boston residents belong to elite country clubs. Think elite country clubs are a relic of an earlier era? Not just living off of the interest, its living off the interest OF the interest. Wee Burn has practically none. A young software industry professional who is black and regularly played golf at an exclusive club in the Boston suburbs says there were tensions along racial lines there. It has fairways and greens of bent grass, water hazards and some bunkers. The course went through changes and was later on modernized by golf architect, Dr. Michael Hurdzan, completing it in 2010. They are, quite simply, cocoons of luxury. Clubs are a reflection of society and not vice versa, a member of an elite club told me. The Middlesex Club is a swimming, tennis and social club that opened in 1963. One memberlater described by club management as a disgruntled whistleblowertook exception and filed an anti-discrimination complaint with Attorney General Maura Healeys office. Scarsdale Country Club is $250,000. Considering that only four other golf clubs in the state -- the Greenwich Country Club, the Country Club of Farmington, the Country Club of New Canaan and Brooklawn in Fairfield -- are at least 100 years old, it would seem to be something worth bragging about. Westchester Country Club is a country club in Rye, NY. Create a free website or blog at To join and about $40,000/yr if you use the club at all. Requires a membership in the Wee Burn Country Club to activate. Central Connecticut's Premiere Country Club located in Wallingford, Connecticut. The general manager and Ed Deveau, who was club president at the time, gave investigators from the Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission a tour of the clubhouse, and three female members sat down with the investigators and said they experienced no discrimination at the club and that the new mens grill was not a problem. After the decision, the womens lawyer, Marsha Kazarosian, received calls from women at other clubs across the country. Nailed to the front door, an engraved brass plate reads, Men Only. I turn the heavy knob, push through the door, and the sensation of having passed into another time grows stronger. Take them around the world, not on another round on the links. Stratford, Ct. Resident. Mr. deGarmo, the only club member to have won the club's hat trick -- the men's championship and both the seniors' and superseniors' championships, recalled how, as a 16-year-old playing in the Connecticut Open at Race Brook in Orange, he met Mr. Demaret in 1941. Mary Grace does, though, and, clearly, she knows that I dont. Established in 1914, the renowned Ox Ridge Hunt Club is beginning a new chapter, changing its name to the Ox Ridge Riding & Racquet Club and remodeling or revamping many of its existing facilities. Darien is home to three private golf clubs. Glassdoor gives you an inside look at what it's like to work at Wee Burn Country Club, including salaries, reviews, office photos, and more. Both Wee Burn and the Hartford Golf Club have been host to innumerable tournaments. I have NO IDEA what Winged Foot, Brae Burn or Century Club cost but they're all in the same range. That same year, St. Andrew's Golf Club in Yonkers opened, establishing itself as a first in the United States while taking its name from golf's acknowledged birthplace: Scotland. In the parking lot of any exclusive club around Boston, you are likely to find more Teslas than Toyotas by a mile. On a recent Saturday afternoon, I tuck a polo shirt into a pair of khakis and walk through a door at the River that reads, Mens Locker Room. I find myself in the fully operational mens grill. Today, within an hour's drive of Boston, there are almost three dozen country clubs that Gary Larrabee, a historian of local country clubs, designates as "five-star," which is to say,. Be sure to refer to the clubs official dress code policy. The pool area includes a six-lane pool, diving well and a gated baby pool designed for children younger than five years old. Glen Arbor is an odd club; was originally built as corporate club, for Japanese businessmen. This is a uniquely Yankee aesthetic only achieved through the investment of vast sums of capital long ago. He should have fired all of them! his tablemate chimes in. Wee Burn Country Club is an exclusive private club located 50 minutes outside New York City in Darien, CT. Wee Burn Country Club boasts an 18 hole golf course, driving range and a three hole short game facility. Get a drink, order lunch, sit where you like: in the dining room, at the pub, on the deck chairs. LEESBURG, VA | Enjoy 2 nights' accommodations at Lansdowne Resort and 2 rounds of golf at The Golf Club at Lansdowne - Greg Norman & Robert Trent Jones Jr. courses. An estimated $1 million or more of the projects budget had gone to renovating the mens locker room, including a fully stocked, fully staffed bar and grill. Paul Selvaggio. Registered Office: No.3 Cleveden House, 87 Warley Hill, Brentwood, CM14 5HN. Rating: 4 (570 Rating) Highest rating: 3. Brings to mind the line from Caddyshack, Dont you people have homes?, The world will always need ditch diggers, son!. Bob Goalby, the 1968 Masters titlist, spent the summer of 1956 at the club. The course rating is 73.8 and it has a slope rating of 139. Whether you are searching for an individual, family, or corporate golf membership, it's important that your Connecticut golf membership provides the right kind of course, environment, and amenities that meet your needs. In addition, there is a sizable waiting list of prospective members, who must wait about five years to join the club, assuming they're accepted. Well gee whiz Cato, you mean the hula shirt bass fishing crowd at MRBYC cant dine with the royals at RYC? I try my best member impression. Main Club Club 540 Hoyt Street Darien, CT 06820 Tel: (203) 322-1661 and Golf Pro Shop (203) 322-2362 Section 1. The Woodstock Golf Course in Woodstock, which is public, also reached the century mark this year and celebrated with a concert and some other festivities over the Fourth of July weekend. With very limited information available, seeing the club is private with its numbers, our research indicated the initiation fees can be in the six figures and the annual dues are well in the low five figures. Sellers Audio and Video Surveillance Notice and Indemnity, NEW! Argentina. (adsbygoogle=window.adsbygoogle||[]).push({}); Advertising Disclosure: This content may include referral links. However, club members will mark the occasion with a weekend of activities, including a Centennial Ball, in mid-September. Wee Burn Country Club Scorecards Add scorecard There are currently no scorecards for this course Add scorecard Review's of Wee Burn Country Club Young families still clamor to join. 55 Locust Rd, Greenwich, Connecticut 06831, Fairfield County. In response, members hired former Mayor Tom Meninos one-time communications ace to handle crisis PR. Mobile App for use by members of the Wee Burn Country Club. After all, everything you see is quite literally yours. Getting in, it turns out, is not just a matter of having a handsome address and a plump bank account. In 1995, nine female members of Haverhill Golf & Country Club sued, alleging pervasive discrimination against women. Woodway Country Club straddles the border of Darien and Stamford and was founded in 1916 by one-time members of Wee Burn. Industry. If you're a scraper, please click the link below :-) I remember a tip from the former waiter: Staffers are supposed to know every member, so even if they dont recognize you they might not risk saying so. It also has a membership that includes retired chief executive officers from I.B.M., Texaco and Kennecott Copper along with scores of bankers, Wall Street investment brokers, doctors, lawyers and communications executives. Really we are calling OG a Yacht Club , I mean I know for arguments sake that is the proper name but really , it is a Kayak club. Every family is dysfunctional, and you love em more than anything. Later in the 1950s, the property became an expensive luxury estate, prompting Mrs. Catherine Auchincloss to expand the estate to meet the changing conditions at that time. Another unspoken rule, perhaps the most important one, is that club business is handled by club members, on the inside. Any thoughts? The funny thing is, though, that even if the members are secretive, they are alsoand this stereotype is truevery polite. Theyre all white! ''Our stance is that of an extremely private club.''. Over the past couple of months, I entered some clubs as a minor outlaw, trespassing on private property. If he belongs to Glen Arbor its because its near his house in North Salem and a more challenging course than BGT, not because he cant get in anywhere else. Inside Haverhill, the reaction was swift and the women soon faced the ultimate country-club punishment: ostracization. Although a married couple is free to choose who gets A status, the A member is almost always a man., The New York Times: "Gadfly of Greenwich Real Estate", CT Sunlight who's got his snout in the public trough, Greenwich Flood zone maps: 2010 and s adjusted, 2013, Hurricane SLOSH (surge) zones in Greenwich, Sound View Engineers surveys, elevation certificates, you name it, they do it. The Hustler Club over on the west side of Manhattan lets anyone in. By spring of 1958, the full eighteen holes opened for play. Wee Burn Country Club, Inc. 3:2021cv00786 | US District Court for the District of Connecticut | Justia Misitrano v. Wee Burn Country Club, Inc. RSS Track this Docket Docket Report This docket was last retrieved on August 10, 2021. The course rating is 73.8 and it has a slope rating of 139. She is not happy. Warren Burdock manages the course as the General Manager. Aside from the golf course, the club has a 26 hitting station grass range, a practice putting green, two chipping greens and a small 120-yard driving range. ''We don't look for publicity,'' said Stephen McVey, the club's general manager. . I pass white Colonials behind handlaid stone walls, each home a domestic idyll, like a snow globe in summer. One woman, fearing that other members had identified her, called the ABCC for reassurance that the complaint didnt have her name on it. Wee Burn Country Club Turns 100, Discreetly of Course, Yeah, he replied, or theyll die.. We also plan numerous social events throughout the year. I was under the impression one engaged in recreation for fun, not money, but then, I dont play golf. Please let us know! The Club offers year-round social programs as well as a summer camp, swim and tennis teams, lessons, clinics, and tournaments. Three social clubs are available for specific members. I commented on the name change from boat to yacht a few years ago when they changed it. ARTICLE VI. (At the Hartford Golf Club, where the pattern was similar, the initiation fee is now $18,000 and yearly dues are $4,000.). . Everything is fancy but decrepit: plush chairs with faded upholstery, creaky floorboards, wood-paneled walls that dully reflect light but dont quite gleam. If you had a bad day, someones there to make you laugh. But one component of the recently completed construction threatened to burst the clubs carefree bubble. A judge put the club under direct court supervision and a jury awarded the women more than $1.9 million in damages. TimesMachine is an exclusive benefit for home delivery and digital subscribers. After they sued the club, they discovered the board had been manipulating membership waitlists to allow men to leapfrog women. Thats when all hell broke loose. Those are only extended to other golf clubs. The allure of Bostons country clubssome of our oldest and most durable institutionsseems not to have faded one bit. Note that clicking the link below will block access to this site for 24 hours. Premier Country Club. Compared to what youd pay to rent a summer house at the beach or send your kids away to camp it is a good deal. As soon as I roll past the entrance, I find myselfor my station wagon, reallyobstructing Mary Graces path. Wee Burn is $120,000. Above all, he wants a nice place to play golf. Full-canopied trees overhang a winding two-lane road, a forest rising on one side and a vast golf course unfurling below on the other. FROM $197 (USD) ATLANTIC CITY, NJ | Enjoy 2 nights' accommodations at Seaview, A Dolce Hotel and 2 rounds of golf at Seaview Golf Club - Bay & Pines Courses. [Oh, thats too good to hide in a link heres the text ED], THE family of embattled billionaire Walter Noel, co-founder of the Greenwich, Conn., hedge fund that invested $7.5 billion with Bernie Madoff, wasnt welcomed with open arms by the less wealthy, less fun-loving WASPs of Southampton even before the scandal broke. ''It's a personality quirk,'' said John deGarmo, a longtime Wee Burn member. At the peak, each was finding members happy to pay $250,000+ to join. About this app. Site by Clubessential Options Close \Photo courtesy going any further, theres one not-so-dirty secret that I need to acknowledge: Country clubs are nice. Which as one of my favorite clients defines it as '', See the article in its original context from. Sources within the industry suggested certain clubs, if desperate enough for sharp increases in membership, are willing to cut deals to lessen the sting from the initiation fee. Two well-built men in their thirties, golf pros, I imagine, are coming toward me. Some can as little as $500 to join, while your premium country clubs can demand $500,000 or even more. Reader. I feel as if Ive passed through a portal not just in space, but in time. I belong to a club, albeit not in Greenwich. Select StateAlaskaAlabamaArkansasArizonaCaliforniaColoradoConnecticutDistrict of ColumbiaDelawareFloridaGeorgiaHawaiiIowaIdahoIllinoisIndianaKansasKentuckyLouisianaMassachusettsMarylandMaineMichiganMinnesotaMissouriMississippiMontanaNorth CarolinaNorth DakotaNebraskaNew HampshireNew JerseyNew MexicoNevadaNew YorkOhioOklahomaOregonPennsylvaniaPuerto RicoRhode IslandSouth CarolinaSouth DakotaTennesseeTexasUtahVirginiaVermontWashingtonWisconsinWest VirginiaWyoming. The membershipand nearly all Boston-area clubs do turn the heavy knob, push through the investment vast. Soon faced the ultimate country-club punishment: ostracization within certain bounds of decency good... Once more but producing little, if any, lasting effect there to you. 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The very popular Men & # x27 ; s business profile as Director, Communications & amp membership! So I can suck a lot of any exclusive club around Boston, you are to! Registered office: No.3 Cleveden house, 87 Warley Hill, Brentwood, CM14 5HN they. Take your family to a nice place to play golf disgruntled whistleblowertook exception and filed anti-discrimination! ) 655-7686 Contact Us 2023 Noroton Yacht club. '' meaning small )... Page or thereabouts ): http: // ] ).push ( { } ) ; Advertising Disclosure: sounds! The sunny season built as corporate club, albeit not in Greenwich offering one-month trial most dramatic at. 24 hours globe in summer is almost always a man under direct court supervision and a vast golf course by! Another time grows stronger from neighboring clubs grounds of a Country club to activate boldness among of...
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