Talk about your sins against the Holy Spirit! 3. 2 Corinthians 10:17&18 I admire your charity. While the people who claim to be on his side are yammering for the next stunt. Don Imus intended his racist comment about nappy-headed h*s as a joke. Contact. As far as we know, it could have been nothing but grannies and babies calling him to charity. If not, why do you read Hebrews, you dont know who it was revealed to at what time without a doubt. Esau, To His name be all glory. Ed, do YOU have an urge to say it depends on your interpretation? Akin has not interacted with Dr. White to anyones knowledge as far as the public is concerned. ' He wasnt talking to me. Tech Phone Ext. The Wisdom of Solomon Therefore: This from the person who called Esau a liar. None of this is really good, and Whites intent with #3 could hardly have been humorunless hes clueless about how it would be received by Catholics.unlikely. You cannot even get a 500-year-old Calvinist to sit down with a 20-year-old Adventist. P.S. Reasoned dialogue and brotherhood? I say this with as much humility as I can. My fingers are hurting. We are all searching for Gods way, and all who are RC, OC, or Protestant know that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, but we all seem to have a different understanding of how to live that promise. T.A. Thats why I started quoting blog entries from certain people is their entirety in my responses (for which, ironically, I was then chastised for going on at such length). James White does not. First, this goes far beyond being sometimes offensive. This is a basic inability to conform to moral principles and standards of argumentation, which even Dawkins and Hitchens manage to do despite substantive incompetence. But at half a century, I cannot even remember everything Ive read. It just means his character doesnt always reflect Christ (whose does? And I was directly responding to the content of your post, to correct it. I sacrificed all to obtain a great treasure: The Church, her theology, her history was the treasure. Re: the photo mentioned above that Dave Armstrong posted; he apologized for it and replaced it. Slander is saying something not true, so perhaps you should consider what exactly youre saying before you go shooting your keyboard off. 1. Above, youll find an excerpt I have posted in reply to Esau trying to pull an old trick on me. I praise You Lord Jesus and magnify Your Name above all names. Its not as if His (infallible) knowledge can simply *pop* into existence. The biblical support for Sola Scriptura, if it exists, is then by definition contained in this revelation. This is a rather convient way to win a debate without ever having to defend a word you say. Even if you exercise restraint you know the combo-boxers are going to cross the line. I should have followed my own advice, and refused to dialogue with anyone who could not honestly say that what he did was intended to hurt, and therefore, lacking charity, was as a clanging gong. Dont poisen the well. Are. My answer is above and didnt evade anything. No, you havent. Cant find (or am too lazy to find) the start of the arguement on forgiveness and exactly who is being discussed (White?) But all these are rejected outright by many American evangelicals by their preexisting and unbiblical gnostic philosophies. And how Luther taught that if one is to sin, sin great, but believe and pray even greater which makes the entire concept of Protestanism lunacy to begin with. Thus far Ive given you a run for your money so far as these pictures have been concerned, so youd probably get on that instead of just ignoring the facts and presuming to be angry. The Chris Pinto vs. James White debate on whether Codex Sinaiticus is a modern forgery can be boiled down to a few considerations. I believe in free will I make my own choices We just dont believe that it each of us is free to interpret every word that it contains. That could describe you too Mary Kay. I dont expect any of you know me (from blogging, that is), but I just wanted to add a thought here. Funny how now that Its not going to change a whit on this thread. I didnt really get his analogy, carebear. and, here, accuse Jimmy Akin and Crew that were the ones responsible for this act. if he repents doesnt seem to require us to forgive those who do not repent. Example: Jimmy, when you take stupid things seriously, you yourself look stupid. ummmthat was in response to Bill912. It is as if yall are unaware of the passage where Paul says love does not take account of wrong done to it. (Wonder if he knows that logic has developed since Aristotelian logic? It just goes to demonstrate how INEXCUSABLE someone elses claims were! Salt Lake City, Utah, Road Trip Schedule Debate: What is Marriage? Do you have any clue how petty this makes you sound? Albeit, as born-again You may be missing my point, which is, how did you make your determination that Christs authority is in the Catholic Church? I see now that blindly following James White is acceptable for you. furthermore, the rejection of books like the apocrypha also falls under the revelation of Gods infallible cannon to His people, so dont jump on that bandwagon either. A humor killer is an attempt at humor that defeats itself by using contextual elements that are horrific or defeats the ability of an audience to access certain areas of mental space safely. Im not going to read White, however, since there are such a lot of other Protestant authors out there whom I personally judge as more scholarly. why do they not seriously deal with the issues that are presented by Protestant apologists.Case in point please. . Thanks for listening. Ergo, accepting that the church had canon revealed to it and accepting the Bible as it is, is no longer bending a knee to the Tradition of Rome, but rather to the revelation of God to His people. Indeed, the Prince of Lies whom they have served must be so very proud of them!!! Its amazing what having people around does for how one acts. Liar. So, we have an example of a human work done in faith though the result is due to God. However, ask yourself this: What would your reaction be if one of us said Just read Jimmy Akins book, it has all the answers you need.? Dr. James White vs Keith Giles, First Lutheran Church, Houston, Texas, 2/8/23, Road Trip Dividing Line: New Plans, Greear on the Churchs Failure, Fesko against Van Til, Preview of Radio Free Geneva, No EFS, Predicate Adjectives and Scripture, the God Who Works All Things, Ratzingers Posthumous Truth Bombs, FBC Orlando, Andy Stanley, Road Trip Schedule Debate: Is God Necessary for Ethics? Whites pictures is not mean-spirited at all. Luther? I chose this because it was handy.]. Apologetics, Faraston Seminary, 1995, M.A. Sigh. Its the Vast Angelwing Conspiracy, Jeremiah! It must be pointed out that this behavior does not automatically mean everything he says is false. Im well aware of Edward and his religious, or non-relegious presuasion. Originally posted 5/22/2013 James White and Justin Lee dialogue on the question, Can you be a Christian homosexual in Helena, Montana at the 2013 Reformation Montana conference. I believe Gods mechanism for revealing the canon of Scripture was the body of believers, and White agrees too, even so much as to say so in the text I provided: From what I gather Jimmy Akin isnt claiming to win the debate because of the merits of his argument. That would be me calling you a liar, yes? God is, after all, the author. Do You Really Believe and Practice Sola Scriptura? I mean, what do you tell people who stumble onto the site looking for theological answers who have never heard of James White? Stubble, Ive listened to James White. I cant get worked up over it, although Id like to suggest they all cut it out. No, you were responding in a manner that changed the topic from whom one should confess to into a highly complex question of my personal religious state as compared to that of the Twelve. He and his family are here to see the church healthy and effective as they continue to further the gospel and accomplish the manifold mission Jesus has given the Church. This applies to both sides in every situation. 1) James White is critical of Dr. Beckwith. HA! Why do you think Jimmy has to blog on only serious matters? It is outrageous. In Christ. I will not claim to be friends with him, but I have met him in real life and he is the real deal just a good person. As I mentioned on this thread and on the Amazing. That hardly seems right. How did you determine youd follow Rome? Not to mention facile. Sorry. Both alpha and omega symbols have different meanings and when put together, these two Greek letters open the door to a wide range of interpretations and symbolism. Have you heard the other side of the story? Im new at this blog. - You accuse Catholic Answers for the url P.O. HAHAAHwhat is the world coming to. Shabir Ally at University of Pretoria, South Africa 10/8/2013, Shortened Road Trip DL, Response to Andrew Tate Conversion, Sam Gipp Versus the KJV Translators, Mormonism Review Including the Book of Abraham, Confucianism, Islam, and Christianity One Point of Contrast, Views on Homosexuality, Interaction with Lindsay on Gnosticism, Brandan Robertsons Continued Apostasy, Yuvul Noah Hararis Mengelian Worldview, First Program on Odysee: Omicron Variants, Scotus Case, TROnlyism Again, Responding to Tim Stratton, Road Trip: Mary Dogma & Christ A Sole Mediator, First Baptist Church, Opelousas, Louisiana, 2/11/23, Road Trip: The History & Danger of the Roman Catholic Doctrine, First Baptist Church, Opelousas, Louisiana, 2/10/23, Travel Project Announcement, What is Marriage? Debate Review, Road Trip: Debate What is Marriage? About the why of forwarding of a website named james r white to catholic .com: Relationship implies that it goes both ways. Esther To those who defend the pictures, they are: Your impression of latent threats comes from an inculcated hermeneutic of suspicion. (In normal life, I am an utter mouse until I get to know people well, and will ignore things such as this, since the words do not last long- however, on line I do not have a lisp, nor to the words vanish quickly. When you go to a website, there is information passed as to which website you came from, its called the referral. Mr White, like the Emperor in the childrens story, is meandering down the main pike in his skivvies, afraid to admit that he cant see The Emperors New Clothes. It is cut from the same cloth. Then dont quote. There is no Caliph-like figure in the history of Christianity, at least on a universal scale. Being Unreasonable Read Esaus response verses, without the filter of thinking that the Catholic Church and its members are seeking glory. I fail to see how the Bible being 100% Gods word neccessitates the rejection of the FACT that God employed human authors to convey His Word. Neener, neener is taunting. Scripture is what it is in its current form due to the revelation of God concerning infallible canon, not as a result of Roman Catholic councils 300 years after the cessation of written revelation. I feel if I quote anymore Dr. White is going to sue me. Jeremiah gee, the Angelwing Consperacy mustve hacked into Mr. Whites site and posted the pictures. Biting again And enter it into the form so that it would do what it does. mary margaret: [2][3] He is the author of several books. Just who is the you in your comment: What a weak excuse Johnathan. (In other words, they still disagree with Whites comments/actions, but they recognize their own faults in how they reacted.) I assume you wouldnt try discussing theology with somebody wearing a Marilyn Manson Antichrist T-shirt. You might sincerely believe that use of those photos were justified, but the consequence is that people dont want to engage with those who defend them. Laser, asked CatholicWayne on | Aug 11, 2007 12:55:01 PM $25. Please go to: Sometimes human beings respond to what is disgusting with outrage. He allows those who dont forgive to do likewise, as in if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.. A sad, sad turn of things, your response to a letter not intended even for you. Technically, the Usenet FAQ on the subject says: The obvious response is to call them on it, say threads over, and declare victory. 26:28). I accused Esau of knowingly committing fallacy, and dilineated exactly how he did it. Salesman: Mr White would you like to buy this webAddress off us for $95 if you get it now? The paragraph after the bold/italic bit is Pullmans answer and the rest is me. Realize that the only place an omnipresent God cannot be is in the heart of those who refuse Him. We have been sucked into it because The lonely hermetic cell is calling [us] to quiet, prayerful contemplation and [we are] running from the silence where the voice of God resides. The Final Act was just amazing! 11:00am MST and Feeling the way that I do about the threat of Islamofacism that faces us today, the pictures on the White site made me cringe a bit because I knew they would not be received well on the other side. He also has two grandchildren. His revelation? I have four of my own to get in bed. Who would know better what the Apostles actually taught about the Teachings of Jesus Christ? Except that Bob also said: So neener, neener, I won and everyone else should back me up. Whites explanation leaves that unanswered. Funny. (And he does, for other things.) Beautiful Savior It was a specific instance of a humor piece by Dr. White that was at issue, here. On the other hand, continued attacks are simply tormenting a cornered animal. That is a relationship of some form Admin ID:DI_471115 If anything, you are actually guilty of the fallacy of neglected evidence as you have failed to consider (to the extent of even overlooking) evidence that is likely to be relevant to the argument here such as elements in the debate itself between White v. Beckwith. A more accurate statement is the actions of everyone here make you ashamed to be a Christian. What did you expect, applause? Characterize it pejoratively as such a thing fits the logic and attitude of the mob though I read the Scriptue Alone Controversy and I loved the analogies he drew and the way he explained the many theories involved in this subject and compared and contrasted them with the catholic position. 7:10,11) It has long been the subject of debate what the right response is to anti-catholic excesses. Gary, Im willing to read the book. If so, who chose you? Thats a great question! Eric, oh the drama. I cant keep up with the comments, but this thread must hold the record for number of posts. Humbly, I remain your servant, your brother and your fellow seeker of Gods mercy, They were still hellbound in their sins, Esau, Also, would you care to explain why I just got finished watching a clip from a debate where a Roman Catholic priest, holding two doctorates, purposefully misquotes Augustine in a bid to defend magesterium and is corrected by White? I have to say that I dont think comparing People who both have an irrational mindset that sees the enemy behind every bush (no pun intended) is invalid. Communication of this revelation is extremely limited or in the case of Shingon Buddhism impossible. We can trust the canon mediated because of Gods promise of the effectual mediation of Gods Word. Nameless, Genuine Gospel of Our Lord. Thats an act of charity if ever there was one. No one is doing him any favors, when they refuse him the loan of a bathrobe & slippers.But then, the Catholics he so despises have made the offer; he was too busy to notice. Would it, now? 1. Which is it? All other points aside whether the admonishing was truly needed or not is irrelevant. Please explain what you mean by And, every Christian, by definition of them being a Christian, would admit to being a liar. Discussed the spike protein, selection pressure, Faucis constant lies, etc., as the Omicron Craze sweeps the nation. They were borrowed from a previous post of his involving Salmon Rushdie and, as such, were perfectly appropriate in the context of what he had to say. Are you implying that Ive said something untrue? I am sorry for my tone. of customer 3 Wanna try that one again? prophets in Acts 15:1 were not saved. Humor does have consequences, both emotional and theological it can wound and it can heal. I would like to invite Evangelicals . CareBear says well let me just say, your doing fine in that department already. The only thing that keeps the trolls here is our inability to honestly express gratitude to White for the credit he bestows upon Holy Mother Church and, by extension, us. Sola Scriptura is a central tenet of most of Protestant Christianity due to the fact that all operating Protestant doctrines must conform to its principles. I said that it was pointless to discuss with people who thought that what James White did with those cartoons was defensible. Its pretty clear bill912, it would only take light reading to understand Whites book. Is Trent more clear than Scripture? All of the category error pussyfooting nicely dodges the real problem with the picture: White states an equivalence between people in the comment thread demanding charity (yes, in a predictable and certainly from his standpoint irritating fashion) with those who use violence and intimidation to silence their opponents. Anybody (other than Catholic Anwers) can seize and own a url??? Now, as I believe, Ive addressed Mr. Whites quotations. Whites supporters are either unable or unwilling to participate in a serious discussion. Esau, Is it not fair to say that a great deal of bad behaviour in the last century was the work of regimes that were atheistic, if not scientistic? We can natter on about category errors and suchlike, all the while stating what a fitting comparison the individual in question made. Or is it all about the win? Now, dont get me in trouble with your hubby, Foxy! It is standard practice in many Internet circlesbecause of the inflammatory nature of this comparison and its tendency to start flame wars and shut down rational discussionto regard anyone who makes such a comparison (unless you are talking about real-life Nazis or mass murderers) as having automatically lost the debate in question. King List 3. of customer 3 Stop twisting things. I will do us all the honor of believing that it is truly Gods will that we wish to do, On Earth as it IS in Heaven. 2a. Are you a disciple? In short, you either need to be divinely inspired yourself to know, or you need (Divine) testimony which is beyond doubt. To Greg McR, Please we dont know you from Adam. In Christ. MCNiLily the really funny thing? The Doctor nonsense is ironic beyond words. Therefore, there will be that many fewer OSAS Protestants and the likelihood that they will perish in Hell for not accepting Jesus Christ as their personal savior (as per the normative forms of the OSAS). Now that Ive been nice enough to answer your question, could you return the courtesy and answer mine? (Matt 18 anyone.) But that hardly makes an interesting novel or movie for those such as Dan Brown and his enthralled fans. Im fairly certain White and his creator were well aware of the ignorant zeal of Akin and his followers when the pictures were created and posted. How do I know his motivations? Which would mean that hes comparing himself to the Pope. Do you have questions about Catholicism that you want to ask Jimmy? And so far youve been telling it by mixing some potentially decent points with a thinly-veiled superiority complex and ill-humored insults toward Roman Catholics. If we lack charity, then nothing we do matters in the slightest bit. You havent been reasonable. Thank you, Constantine. So I dont want to hurt you, in any way. Thus I wanted to lay out some of my thoughts briefly. Dr. James White & Keith Giles, First Lutheran Church, 1311 Holman St., Houston, Texas 77004, The Death of Joseph Ratzinger, the Eternal Covenant in the London Baptist Confession, New Year Laws in California Show Deep Commitment to the Culture of Death, What Every Christian Needs to Know About the Quran, The Textus Receptus as the Word of God is Equal to the New Testament Autographs. Registrant Street3: Registrant Phone:+1.9512424988 Quid significat hoc verbum? In 1930 and to an academic audience, Dr. Whites two examples might have been a generally effective way to say to such a large and diverse crowd that he were frustrated at the remarks that some blogging Catholics had thrown his way (if the internet had magically existed, then). 1. Well, Ive read them, and I believe them. ~Stu. Ill ammend my positions and habits post haste. Prove his actions offensive and Ill recant. That is how long it took me to review the one hour, five minutes of Matthew Vines presentation in defense of gay Christianity. We will be posting, Lord willing, tomorrow, a file containing the entirety of the 5.25 hours of discussion of these key biblical As most of you know, Zakir Naik is a wildly popular Islamic speaker in the mode of Ahmed Deedat. Would the Bishops at Nicea recognize and accept sola scriptura? Second, my apologies for not noticing there was more than one (now three?) By the way, How exactly are Islamists the National Socialist Workers of the post 9/11 world? Alpha omega tattoos are commonly sported by men, but that does not mean women cannot get these tattoos. Unless for some reason I swam the Tiber and didnt know it, then I couldnt be the one in a mob frenzy, as Im not exactly in the majority here. God did use the church, the gathered body (not later ecclesiastical developments regarding unbiblical structures and positions), as a means to establish widespread knowledge of the canon (mediated) so that Scripture will function as He has decreed it to function. by differentiating between revelation and artifact of revelation he deals with those gentle souls Ive encountered who lift up their Bible and say that 1.the Bible is the Word of God As for my knowledge (or lack of it, which I freely admit) giving me standing to pronounce a critical similarity between Catholic authoritarianism and Islamic authoritarianism, it really doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure out the epistemological loop you both employ to assert your authority. On the other hand, I am happy that White and friends characterize Catholic converts as being emotionally driven because I have lived so much of my life being accused of the exact opposite. Algo had posted a few quotes that demonstrate, as all rational historians recognize, that dogmas like purgatory developed over time, and hence, are not apostolic in origin. What gives? Brian Day, GOD knows who did it, but one thing can be certain, NO PROTESTANT would go through such extremes let alone steer folks to Catholic Answers. Apparently youre too busy attempting to think up witticisms to actually read that I already recognized and aknowledged your intended scope. sinner (Romans 3:19), and you believe the Are. So, if you are in search of a compact alpha omega tattoo then why not try out this design? Finally, these photos seem to me to be on the level of what you see on supermarket tabloid covers funny despite their offensiveness, but in a way that does not reflect particularly well on their creators and sponsors. Whites comments are not something that Ive spent much time on, but clearly he overstepped a line. I see you mindlessly follow an Internet Apologist such as James White! MY HEAD HURTS. My Reply Thank you for the defense, Esau I spent the weekend with my folks, and didnt even see Aristotillean comment. good manners & Christian charity. Meaning if I were to post a picture of Nazis and make the caption that it reflects Caucasians, it in no way says anything even remotely demeaning about them. Thats ACs Law.// The real history is that the Emperor Constantine took the court of Rome east, leaving the Pope to sit in Peters chair alone practically forshadowing the whole idea of separation of church and state. sorry, I dont know what you mean by Angelwing Consperacy. Thank you so much for your answer! My presumption is that Edward is anti-religion and anti-Christian. At this point, I humbly submit that with reason and logic rendered irrelevant and useless to probe the mystery of God, we would have no applicable tools to interpret scripture either personally or otherwise. Not accurate but made more sense. Also: HEY JAMES WHITE (and all his supporters here)! For that matter WHY would someone go through the bother?. This Teaching ultimately led me into the Roman Catholic Church 25 years later. Intricate And Graceful Alpha Omega Tattoo, Vivid And Flamboyant Red Alpha Omega Tattoo. The answer to your/Whites laundry list is in the Church Fathers, but off the top of my head, I couldnt give you a specific reference. And you do it using a goofy identity-hiding handle, too. 2023 Alpha and Omega Ministries. Barry- youre really grasping at straws. refusals by his opponents to address his unassailable points. Youve been violating logic almost as often as you call upon it. Check out these new and amazing tattoo ideas that you will surely fall in love with! Its never too late to save anyone. Im assuming that Catholic Answers is a little obsessive, as I already stated. I will say this, however. Ill choose to not read Dr. Whites book at this time. To all concerned, perhaps all of us, Mr. White and myself included, needs to read more John Henry Newman: Moral equivalency. Salvation is free,but following Christ requires all of me on the tree, burried with him, working with him daily, like Paul says. And that is why they are so intense. Paul, btw, please humor me and tell me exactly when and how Esau did what youve accused him of doing. Maccabees (II) Registrant FAX: The intention of the radical Muslim who beheads is to bring death to those whom they disagree with. Godwins Law holds that the longer an online discussion goes, the greater the odds of someone making a comparison to Hitler. The 1914 Chronology of Jehovahs Witnesses, Does God Forgive the Unrepentant? I thought it would be cool to let folks get in touch via Zoom and ask about a textual variant they particular are interested in. Not exactly the Ivy League. I have a responsibility to serve both Jimmy Akin and Dr. White. This isnt an apologetics website, and frankly, most of us arent here to talk apologetics. Recent Media All By the by, for the CA website url? I was not expecting him to hang up on me when it wasnt as easy as he thought. Yes, I believe in the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church of my own free will, through the grace of God, who has written the natural law on the hearts of all humankind. Just how have I lied, CareBear? That means the material cannot be evil. I mean, what do you tell people who stumble onto the site looking for theological answers who have never heard of James White? Thats what I couldnt quite understand 1. Those who did so showed their fruits, by which we now know them. (Actually said by an I didnt say your personal determination was right. This is no different than the heresy Im ignoring the facts I mean Islamic fundementalist do not follow the Quran only, in fact there is only one group that I know of that follow the Quran only, and that is a peaceful group called the submitters. Huh. Esau, Mary (continued sorry for the length but I am just trying to be responsive here), The people here are rock solid in their faith, wise, witty and fun. next day on aomins blog:I have proof that the abuse of my name has direct ties to the Romanist sect. James White, February 13, 2023, Musings, Personal, Provisionism, Road Trip, Roman Catholicism, , Thomism Got started a little late so we didn't go a full hour but covered some "Tweet theology," including responding to Leighton Flowers and looking at some Thomas stuff. One again in any way in any way are commonly sported by men, but they recognize own! Omnipresent God can not even get a 500-year-old Calvinist to sit down with a 20-year-old.. 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